Mirah Office Hours: Main Man

This last Sunday, I pulled the main method fix I’d worked out a few weeks ago into master. I threw out all the test refactoring I’d put together last week that didn’t work and came up with some better ones, using a better process. I also fixed the test suite so all the tests will run from rake test, even if there are failures.

My test suite changes aren’t perfect, but they get the job done. One aesthetic thing is that when there are failures in the jvm tests, you get messages for both the bytecode and javac test runs. It might be better if it just said there were jvm failures. But actually, thinking about it, it’s not bad as is because if there are errors in only one, you’d have a better idea of what to look for.

I also dove into the scoping code for macros to try to understand how to make them behave the way I thought they should. What I found is that there is already support for the behavior I’d like, but it’s hard to use from macros defined in Mirah rather than Ruby(read: I didn’t see a way, but there could be one).

Macros currently wrap their input nodes in what’s called a ScopedBody, that uses the outer scope for look up. Since the AST nodes determine their scoping by looking for the first scope in their parents, this works fine in most cases. But, when dealing with blocks it’s different. Blocks, (eg do … end) have their own scope so their lookup is handled differently. Macros implemented in Ruby can get around this by doing more AST manipulation, but that’s not particularly helpful when building macros that take blocks in Mirah.

I think figuring out how to make that work will be one of the things I’ll tackle this coming Sunday.

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