Mirah Office Hours: Digging In

Mirah -v Frankly embarrassing

This week I wanted to deal with one embarrassing bug, and some that looked fun. After looking through everything last week, I felt like I got a better sense about the current issues. So, I picked a few issues to work on that I thought I could dig into and get something working in an afternoon. I think I was a little ambitious.

First I wanted to fix #161 mirah -v causing an error because, frankly it’s embarrassing. I also thought it’d be pretty easy. It was, but the fix wasn’t as clean as I’d like.

Next time I’m in the option handling code, I’m going to do some house cleaning–it’s getting a bit ugly. For instance, parser should not take a list of commandline args and have to worry about ‘-e’ etc. How to reorganize it I haven’t decided. Maybe using optparse, though that has its own idiosyncrasies.

#13 booleans don’t have an == method.

I fixed this by adding an intrinsic to the jvm backend code. It’s not especially pretty. The intrinsics code is tied up in a few files and some of them feel like balls of mud. It’s not readily apparent where to find things and what they do.

I’ve been thinking about how to make intrinsics nicer and more consistent. It might be nice to have some common types with a common set of expected method definitions that the various (hypothetical) backends should implement. That way you’d have some consistency across different Mirah backends.

I’d also like to reorganize the intrinsics and make their internal APIs easier to grok. Things I’d like to do with them, like allowing easy method aliasing are hard right now, because the API has a lot of sharp edge cases.

Test cleanup

After fixing #13, I renamed all the test files. I was getting frustrated w/ having them all be prefixed with test_. That made tabbing into the right test file take a couple more keystrokes. It added just enough friction that I wanted to change it. So I did.

#30 Const Assign

This one is definitely not a single Sunday afternoon project. And, honestly I didn’t expect it to be. I spent about an hour trying to figure out what would need to change to support creating constants. It looks kind of annoying.

First, you need to transform the mmeta AST nodes into a Mirah AST node for the Const Assign, which could be as simple as creating a static FieldAssign. Then you need to change the code generation to deal with that. Unfortunately, FieldAssign’s don’t currently know about access levels (public, private, protected) which means you’d either have to add access levels to field assign, or create a new AST class that would have to be dealt with in the code generation phase.

Thinking about it a little, it might be nicer to do the second thing. Then, different (hypothetical) backends could handle access levels for constants their own way. That might be handy, particularly if constants are special in different ways in different languages.

#41 i++

The other thing I looked at briefly was adding ++ to the grammar. This turned out to be rather hard looking because the parser’s master branch is tied to mirah’s newast branch, which has a lot of new things in it and doesn’t work with the current release yet.

I’m debating creating a new branch on the parser at a point before it started using the new AST. On the other hand, it might make sense to spend more time trying to update the newast branch so that it is up to date with master. Then I could get it closer to merging back in.

That’s all for this week.

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