Back at it, working on Mirah. This week I set my sights a little lower. Fix a few bugs, look more carefully at how different parts of the compiler works, you know the usual.
- Annotation bug (#148)
- == as equals
- …
- Profit
What I ended up doing was different, as usual.
First, I looked into #148, because it looked interesting and probably touched parts of the compiler I wasn’t familiar with. The problem was that Mirah’s annotation support didn’t handle integers, so when you gave it one ala (gist):
It complained.
The problem was that neither code generator, bytecode or Java source, handled anything other than strings or arrays correctly. I fixed it naively, because I couldn’t come up with a better way–as I said it’s part of the compiler I’m not familiar with.
All I did was add a case for Fixnum, so other object types won’t work. I also changed the base case in the bytecode compiler so that it will raise an error with a note about what went wrong instead of something more obtuse.
I don’t think it would be hard to add additional cases–and maybe even generalize the way annotation values are handled, but I just wanted to fix this particular bug. And, do it in a way that would make it easy for someone to come and extend/improve it. That meant splitting out the test cases, which makes it easy to figure out where to put more tests for more annotation values.
Now, if you don’t really know Java, you might not know what an annotation is, in which case I suggest you skim the docs. It’s what I did.
One feature I’d like to figure out is how to add annotation creation support to Mirah. It’d be nice to be able to write annotations in Mirah.
Ran across this while trying to write a test case for #148. For future reference it takes as arguments.
- the method name
- argument types represented by java classes, ruby classes, or strings representing a java class(eg “java.lang.String”)
It took me a few tries to figure out how the argument types bit worked–I actually dug into jruby’s source a little to figure it out. For example (gist):
When I run tests, I like to limit them by file, so I do it using Rake::TestTask‘s TEST= functionality. With TEST=, you can specify the file you want to run, and rake will only run that test file instead of the whole suite. It makes the feedback loop that much shorter which is really nice (gist).
The other bug I fixed, #146, was pretty interesting. When I first looked at it, I thought it might have something to do with the macro that builds hashes from hash literals, which is something I’ve played with before. Which it did, but not in the way I initially thought.
The bug was that when you created a hash using literal syntax (gist):
when one of the values was created with a method call, it would fail to work with a weird low level Java problem (gist):
Further, what was weird was it DID work when you used static methods. I looked at the Java source generated by running mirahc -j hash.mirah, and there was a weird variable in there.
Who was self$2000? What does it mean? Clearly it is not the self I was looking for. I guessed that the scope the hash was getting created in was being screwed up somewhere. The self it was attached to was being set wrong. Instead of being an instance of Foo, it was something else. Weird. So, I rolled up my sleeves and did a little spelunking (read: putting debug statements and binding.pry in places).
I found that hash literals are constructed using a macro that’s defined on the mirah.impl.Builtin. That in itself wasn’t terribly interesting, but what was interesting was that self was being set to mirah.impl.Builtin instead of Foo when the macro was being expanded.
So, I did what anyone would do trying to fix the problem at hand, I added a quick type check. The problem with the fix is that it doesn’t go far enough. Possibly, other classes that only contain macros could suffer from the same issue and this would not fix that.
Ideally, you’d have an annotation or something that you could use to tell when a class was used only for macros, and not reassign self in those cases. I can see a number of places where that could be really useful, eg extension classes that just contain macros acting on certain classes.
Well that’s it for this week. See you all next week.