Happy mirah hackathon day! Mirah is simply freaking awesome. @mirahlang
— Bruce Hauman (@bhauman) April 10, 2012
Last week wrapped up the Mirah Hackathon–two weeks of concentrated effort on Mirah. Check out the commits (github.com/mirah/mirah/compare/6d0821f5ba1122…f5fdb071). 46 commits! What does it all mean!?
First let me explain: in March, Ryan Brown organized the hackathon so we could put some serious work into the newast branch–which is the future of Mirah. What’s the newast branch? It is the beginnings of moving Mirah’s compiler into Mirah, starting with the Abstract Syntax Tree. I’ve done some work with it before, but over the last two weeks I saw a bit more of how it works than before.
So far I like where it’s going. The Ruby version of the compiler used methods on the AST node classes to do transformation, inference and compilation. That’s not great for encapsulation, but is pretty convenient. Newast uses a visitor pattern(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visitor_pattern), which makes it easier to modularize the compiler. It’s also easier to add new things that walk the tree.
The goals were ambitious
* Documentation: what works, what doesn’t (and should), getting started, etc
* Test writing to fill out gaps (this can kinda go along with documentation)
* Codebase cleanup (on the new newast branch…may need to wait for
Ryan to get it working well)
* Bug tracker triage (close working bugs, try to fix simple ones, file
unreported issues from mailing list)
* Get pindah (Android framework) working (if it is not) and document
how to do it.
* Get dubious (GAE framework) working (if it is not) and document how to do it.
* Port parts of Mirah’s Ruby code into Mirah (this is a goal of newast branch)
To me it seems like the hackathon ended up mostly focusing on
* Codebase cleanup (on the new newast branch…may need to wait for
Ryan to get it working well)
* Port parts of Mirah’s Ruby code into Mirah (this is a goal of newast branch)
As well as, getting some generics support in.
Before the hackathon, newast could run tests, but not that many were passing. Quite a bit of the basic functionality worked, but there was no block support and no macro support. Also, the parser was a pain to build, because it required a special branch off of master to be checked out, and the Rakefile of the parser to be modified to point at it.
After, newast is easier to build, blocks and macros work better and there’s some generics support.
Simple blocks work and simple macros work. Not all the builtins have been added yet, but the pattern for adding more is pretty straight forward.
Also, it’s become pretty easy to get the newast branch running locally. This rocks because it’ll make it that much easier for people to contribute.
Mirah on newast has some support for generics now. Mirah can now take advantage of methods and return types that are parameterized. It can’t define generics itself yet. For more information about the generic support, checkout the wiki page (mirah wiki) on it.
Overall I think the hackathon was a success and we should totally do it again.
- hackathon announced on mailing list
- planning the week before
- suggested tasks
- It was even on hacker news
- Most of the discussion during the hackthon was over IRC. The logs are on donttreadonme.co.uk/mirah/