Scanty Blog Development

I am finally getting around to working on customising a little blog app for use on my site. I am still not quite sure what I want to do with everything, but getting a development environment up is the obvious first step.

So, I installed sinatra.
sudo gem install sinatra
and got this
ERROR: does not appear to be a repository
ERROR: could not find gem sinatra locally or in a repository

and went to look for a solution. I set my wireless access point, opened firefox and copied the error into google. A few forum questions later I realised my problem. I hadn’t been connected to the ‘net. Classic mistake. Like working for an hour trying to get a machine to boot and discovering the outlet didn’t work.

Or, more recently, that the problem I was having while trying to fence electric epee was not either of my weapons or my body chord, but the scoring machine( of course I didn’t check this until I had taken off my jacket twice and got all of my gear out of my bag).

So, I tried again and got this

ERROR: Error installing sinatra:
sinatra requires rack (~> 0.4.0, runtime)

I then installed rack
$ sudo gem install rack
Successfully installed rack-0.9.1
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for rack-0.9.1...
Installing RDoc documentation for rack-0.9.1...

But, it still gave me that error.

Argh. So, I googled around abit, and tried using
$ sudo gem install sinatra -y --debug
which told me that I was missing rack, which I had just installed, but also told me I was missing the ruby openssl library, so I tried installing that.
--debug gave me fewer errors but suffered the same problem.

So, I changed tactics. I knew where the current version of sinatra resided on github, so I looked up how to get a gem from github. turns out it is really simple:
add github to your sources
gem sources -a
and install the gem.
sudo gem install bmizerany-sinatra

After that, I just had to install sequel and thin and I was good to go(thin needed g++, which was not installed yet–fresh ubuntu install).


Now I just need to put all the pieces together. and use the import script.

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