Tomorrow I’m heading out to Salt Lake City for #mwrc. It was my first Ruby conference and it’s still my favorite. The session line up looks great.
See you there.
Tomorrow I’m heading out to Salt Lake City for #mwrc. It was my first Ruby conference and it’s still my favorite. The session line up looks great.
See you there.
SOPA is getting hearings today (Nov 16th). So I added the censorship banner for the day.
Tonight I spoke about Mirah at Boulder Ruby Group. It went well and people had a lot of good questions for me. I found answering questions about Mirah to be really fun, especially now that I’m starting to get a better handle on the language and tool chain.
Here’s my slides.
Mirah Talk for Boulder Ruby Group
@_prakash and I are hosting a Rails BugMash at Gnip’s offices from 11-5. Hopefully it will be a lot of fun and we’ll mash some bugs. Squash them even. More seriously, it’s a good way to get involved with open source by getting together with a group of friendly people who know something about contributing or are interesting learning about it.
It’s registered on plancast at
You can read more about how bug mashes have been done in the past at RailsBridge’s Wiki page on them. Rails’ own contrib guide is also a fairly good resource for getting started.
See everybody tomorrow.
Mountain West Ruby Conf last week rocked. It was well organized as always–props to Mike Moore(@blowmage) for putting it together and Confreaks for recording it and all the other people who made it the awesome conf that I like coming to every year(e.g. Jeremy Nicoll-Smashing Photographer).
More seriously, Zed’s talk made me think more carefully about my open source contributions in terms of who benefits from my work. Am I just a sucker for working on stuff like Dubious or am I just doing it because I find it interesting and engaging. I think he crafted a really good talk and a good meme(CHE-UP) and made a good point about being aware of the motivations behind projects you contribute to. Now I just need to find some suckers/contributors to help me with my plans for world domination ;).
David Brady’s talk about head hacking reminded me that I need to finish Pragmatic Thinking & Learning, a good book I’ve been reading off and on for more than 6 months now. I need to try using that crazy cat picture (the one with too many eyes) to trigger hardware interrupts at interesting times. Might be fun.
Wayne Seguin’s talk was very topical as MWRC is my favorite conference to meet new and interesting Rubyists. I feel like I did some definite “web” development while I was there. I met new people and spent more time getting to know better some of the people in the community I’d met at other conferences.
I came away from the talk feeling inspired to do more looking at teaching and mentoring, something I looked at a little at RubyConf.
Concurrency was a big theme at the conference with Ilya Grigorick talking about more advanced concurrency models, and Preston Lee presenting about using the GPU and CUDA to solve embarrassingly parallel problems.
Ilya talked about the Actor model, which Erlang uses as well as Pi-Calculus/CSP which is what Go uses. Both deal with concurrency by providing constraints on what you can do within them. Interestingly, their constraints are very similar, but have different abstractions with regard to what is named.
In the Actor model,
In the CSP,
He wrote a gem that acts like CSP called agent
I ran in the 5k. I slept through it last year and decided that I had to do it this year. There were 13 of us. It was very dramatic.
I think I was last.
Mirah and Dubious were represented. I did a lightning talk on Dubious Thursday and Joe O’Brien showed off what is going on with Pindah as part of his Ruby on Android talk. I got to introduce a few people to Mirah and Dubious which was pretty cool. It seems like people are getting more interested in Mirah and projects written in it, which I think is pretty awesome.
Redis is a pretty cool project that I’d like to look at more than I have.
Wood cuts make for nifty slides.
Figs are killer.
Thanks again everybody for a great conference.
I brought my cup to The Cup, so I could drink my cup of latte from The
Cup in my own cup that I got from the Museum of Science and
Industry. It’s got the periodic table on it. I fancy it looks quite spiffy.
Cook’s Illustrated, who I have a love-hate relationship with, has a
seriously awesome cookie recipe. Just look at these suckers.
Sara made these a while back and they turned out so good, we had to
make a second batch. I took it to work. Sorry, I don’t have any pics
of the bounty there–the morsels were eaten too quickly. Here’s the
best I can do:
I roasted some venison, which turned out a bit bloody and was too gamey
for Sara. But me and the dog liked it a lot. I really like roasting
things; I’m a little obsessive about it(ask anybody whose had my chicken). And, my favorite roasting
author is Barbara Kafka. If you stick large hunks of meat into ovens
from time to time, you should really check out her philosophy. I’m a
Also, I did some stir fry from frozen veggies + bacon, because bacon makes everything better. Sara cooked some gyoza to go along with it. It was really easy.
The next morning I made fried rice with the leftover rice, I think it turned out rather well. And, the smily face out of sriracha hot sauce, gives it that extra oomph.
I was frustrated with the client libraries available for the RightScale API, so I wrote my own. It’s reasonably complete, but doesn’t currently have tests.
Mostly it arose out of a need to automate things and my desire to make something pretty clean.
I didn’t like the API’s of the existing libraries much, so I wrote my own.
It is fairly bare bones at this point, but I have been using it for a few months and it works for me.
Check it out:
Further reading/References(Others’ Right Scale API gems & libraries): — not a gem yet — little in the way of docs, feels pretty raw — pretty neat, activeresource based, have not tested though — uses httparty, missing most of the objects available — not gemified, not great — fuller implementation, but since it doesn’t use httparty, restclient, or activeresource, the source is really verbose
Today and tomorrow I’m going to be hanging out at the mountain.rb conference.
First up today is Jim Weirich doing a talk called To Infinity and Beyond. It should be fairly epic.
In other news I got a smart phone finally. It’s R2D2.