Archive for June, 2007


Monday, June 4th, 2007

Well, my website, as anyone(probably just my mom) who visits here would know, is kinda a mismatched jam of one-click install component parts, blank pages and half finished design.
My summer project, or rather my this week project is to move everything over to ruby on rails stuff, rearrange a few things like putting this page on my main domain. I see no point in having a separate subdomain for my blog, if I don’t have any real content on the www. domain.
That, and make my gallery bit be on rails as well, perhaps writing something up myself. Doing that would probably be more entertaining.
Also, I want to set it up so that everything that requires login uses OpenId because I think it is better.

Anyway, lots of stuff to do.

Back in the USA

Monday, June 4th, 2007

So, I am back.

It is weird being in a country where everybody speaks English again. That, and the escalators don’t tell you to be careful to stay in the lines. In some ways I miss that, but on the other hand I don’t think it would be the same in English.
Anyway, today is a beautiful day that I will spend mostly inside.
Tomorrow is a day that will be used to catch up. Being out of the country for almost a year causes a lot of things to build up, waiting for my return.

Also, I need to get a job.